Jobs & more
Our personnel department can be reached Monday to Friday during office hours and is looking forward to your call.
Tel.: +41 71 626 7020
Email: hr[at]
You’ll find our contact details and the addresses of our locations here
Our personnel department can be reached Monday to Friday during office hours and is looking forward to your call.
Tel.: +41 71 626 7020
Email: hr[at]
Operational headquarters
Haldenstrasse 23
8306 Brüttisellen
24/7 availability
+41 71 626 7020
Mühlfangstrasse 1
CH-8570 Weinfelden
+41 71 626 7020
Bern branch
Rütiweg 89
3072 Ostermundigen
+41 44 450 6868
Ticino branch
Via alla Foce 4
6933 Muzzano
+41 91 921 4949