Besides an insight into the latest security research findings, the focus was on the lessons learned from previous major events, such as the overcrowding situations in Itaewon on Halloween and the attack on the Manchester Arena in 2017. In addition to this, opportunities and the current limits of AI-backed simulation solutions were highlighted, while the "Last Mile" issue was discussed in detail with panels of experts.
We were able to conclude that major events are characterised by complex contexts and dependencies. Only proactive and broad-based planning with sufficient notice enables those in charge to reduce the complexity and achieve the desired objectives. Interfaces to other stakeholders need to be identified early, the form of collaboration needs to be defined, and the mutual understanding of "if-then" decisions needs to be strengthened.
Fully in keeping with the event slogan, we expanded our knowledge and maintained our network – so that we can continue to reliably assume responsibility for people’s security.